In cooperation with our customer XXXLutz, we have developed a self-check-out system that enables consumers to make payments for orders in addition to the familiar self-scanning purchase of goods. This allows the customer to find out about their open order, make partial or final payments themselves, and also check out their purchase today. Completely without contact with other people. The terminal is also perfect as a “pay tower” for pre-registered shopping carts from Click&Collect, Self Scanning, scanning stations at C&C, etc.
The SCO Kiosk system includes the Hermes hm³ standard checkout solution and can be given an interface that matches the company’s familiar CI if required. This ensures a high recognition value for the customer and the interface can be adapted exactly to the requirement.
The standard integrations of the Hermes hm³ POS system (data supply, software distribution, hardware control, EFT connection as well as online data processing for the transaction, inventory reservations, fiscal receipt, digital receipt and everything else) remain in the usual Hermes standard, and thus the solution is quickly available for all Hermes software users.